Buddhilal Praja (Chepang), Deeplal Praja and some other poor and illiterate villagers of Kaakada VDC-7, Makwanpur were accused of murder of Thakur Chepang alias Gurau. Simply for being present at the scene of crime and also based on the written complain of his son, they were imprisoned for over six months in Bhimphedi Prison from 2069/3/27 to 2069/10/09 until the District Court decided in their favor receiving help from CeLRRd’s legal aid program. Tok Bahadur Praja (Chepang) borrowed Rs.20,000 for domestic purpose from Krishna Bahadur Moktan with the guarantee of Gurau.
Krishna Bahadur Moktan asked Gurau for returning loan from Tok Bahadur. But he was not in a position to pay back the loan. The insistent efforts of Krishna and Gurau irritated Tok Bahadur. Krishna held several round of discussions with concerned people. Tok Bahadur invited Gurau on 2069/02/20 in the night time to discuss on the matter, where fights break out. Eventually in the morning, when Gurau had gone out for urinating, Tok and his brother Phul Bahadur Praja hit him from behind by a big stone which caused his spot death.
After his death, his son accused fourteen persons for the ploy against his father. Tok Bahadur and the brother were fully convicted, however with regards to other innocent accused who hitherto had not seen even their VDC office, CeLRRd’s lawyers fought for their rights. Eventually, they were cleared away of the charge and proved innocent through district court verdict. Thus, the legal aid program could provide justice to poor innocent Chepangs.